Noe Heivanui

Mar 11, 20203 min

5 Tips on How to Deal with the Coronavirus Pandemic

Updated: Jun 17, 2020

While the full extent of COVID-19's global impact is yet unknown, it's a good idea to take precautionary measures to protect yourself, especially if you are in the middle of traveling.

In light of this pandemic, it's important to stay updated on health guidelines from trusted organizations like the World Health Organization, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention or Public Health Emergency. Ensure you're getting information from reliable sources to avoid spreading misinformation.

While hospitals and governments work to keep people healthy and safe, many digital nomads like us are continuing to provide epic vlogs like @karaandnate and @lostleblanc.

And here are 5 general tips to be safe from the virus:

01. Keep Yourself Contact-Safe

Update yourself with the latest news developments and health regulations. Provide this information in multiple languages on your blogs/vlogs to make sure everyone understands. Look out for common symptoms of the coronavirus like a dry cough, shortness of breath and/or fever. Create hygiene stations in daily routine and places you frequent.

Be proactive about sanitation. The virus can live on some surfaces for up to 3 days. Consider these tips for keeping your guests and work environment safe:

- Routinely disinfect surfaces people touch, including elevator buttons, door knobs, room keys/cards, TV remotes, bed-side phones, light switches and more.

- Clean hands frequently with soap and water, or alcohol-based hand rub.

- Wash hands after coughing or sneezing; when caring for the sick; before; during and after food preparation; before eating; after using the toilet; when hands are visibly dirty; and after handling animals or waste.

- Maintain at least 1 meter (3 feet) distance from anyone who is coughing or sneezing.

- Avoid touching your hands, nose and mouth. Do not spit in public.

- Cover your mouth and nose with a tissue or bent elbow when coughing or sneezing. Discard the tissue immediately and clean your hands.

- Avoid close contact with strangers.

- Use disposable wear.

- Encourage friends and family to self-quarantine. If needed, follow local health regulations and assist your guests with staying put. Offer room service and leave meals outside their room. Make sure your staff avoids contact with quarantined individuals. Once they check out, it's recommended to wait three days before cleaning.

02. Postpone Attending Events, Services or Appointments

Be flexible with your scheduling. When possible, postpone your business appointments to a later date. If you already paid for tickets to attend an event, get refunded, most events are canceling anyways.

03. Be Transparent

Communicate proactively. Encourage your entourage to put their trust in you by being on top of the news and setting an example by following your own preachings.

Create a forum on Facebook and YouTube and actively respond to questions and concerns from your community.

Write a blog article detailing what your business is doing to keep your customers safe.

Update your followers on social media with any relevant information. Update your website and social media pages with any changes to plans or campaigns.

04. Keep Your Humor & Keep Positive

Encourage your family and friends around you to stay positive and to retain humor in this times of high alert. Posting humoristic cartoons, memes, or gifs can help your audience entertained and stay assured that you're not panicking and that you keep your spirits high. It's good for everyone's morale and everyone benefits from it.

*Try to stay away from racist jokes though - that actually can spark more hostility than is needed.

05. Stock Up on Basic Foods that will last you 1 month (minimum)

Encourage your family and friends to stock up on foods such as canned foods, pasta, rice, oatmeal, dried foods, crackers, ramen noodles, protein bars. Can your own, like tomatoes, apples, pears, make your own apple sauce or jams, even candy. Store it all in mason jars, food lasts longer in them. I know it doesn't seem glamorous but if you have those items in your pantry while there's a shortage of food, you'll be so happy you have those. Most of them are filling and you can survive just fine on those items for a while without it costing you your sanity and health. Health and a powerful mind is what you need the most in times of crisis.

#coronavirus #covid19 #5tips #noerosetravels #traveltips #howtohandlethiscrisis #pandemic #dontaddtoit